
What is Staging? Web Development

Web Development  Staging

The staging environment is a copy of your production environment (your current live website) on a private server. This is a safe place that will allow you to test any changes


A test environment is part of a workflow in most development projects and the distribution process. It is a place where you can find a preview of the work done by the developers for their review and, once satisfied, approve their transfer to the production so that the public can see it.

An ideal workflow consists of the following three environments:

  • Development (local environment)

  • Staging (pre-production)

  • Production (live site)

What is Staging? Web Development

When starting a new project (or feature) you should begin your work on a development environment. This local site will look and act like the live site, commonly referred to as a sandbox, and it is only visible to you.


This the bridge between development and production. It should be the most accurate representation of the live site, and where QA and testing is most important.

Once you are happy with presentation, performance and functionality, you will release it to the public.

Knowing you’ve kept staging up-to-date with the master site, you can now push your code to production with confidence. The final product is up ready for public view.


Sometimes I think of the staging as an analogy of pastry (because, well, I love a good cookie!) You have a special cookie recipe that you have been using for a while and you sell many of these cookies in a variety of stores local They are very popular and you have a good number of regular customers who expect to receive their cookies.

If you decide to make a change, get an idea of how to improve this recipe, do not do it, shoot it and deliver it to the stores without even trying it. And really, it's probably a good idea for some people to try them, comparing old and new recipes.

The use of a test environment allows you to play with all the recipes you want without anyone seeing it until you are satisfied with the final product. Buy online Sell

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